6.1 dissinfecting sensor
To disinfect the sensor generously apply 70% ethanol alcohol to a sterilized gauze and wipe each component according to the following instructions:
ATTENTION - Do NOT sterilize in an autoclave. This will damage the equipment.
ATTENTION - Do NOT press the pin on the green base of the sensor during sterilization to avoid damaging the sensor.
Step 1 - turn off sensor
Before you begin, make sure the sensor is turned off verifying that the power switch set to “O”. Figure 6.1-1a Turning off the sensor BcSs-PICNIW-1000 | Before you begin, make sure the sensor is turned off by checking if the LED is turn-on. If yes, keep pressed util the LED is turn-off Figure 6.1-1b Turning off the sensor BcSs-PICNIW-2000 |
Step 2 - disassemble sensor if needed
Disconnect each component from the sensor set and clean them separately.
Figure 6.1-2a Detaching components BcSs-PICNIW-1000 sensor | Figure 6.1-2b Detaching components BcSs-PICNIW-2000 sensor |
Step 3 - apply alcohol
Apply ethyl or isopropyl alcohol (70-90%) to sterile gauze towels and gently wipe each component (sensor, battery, headband, and turnbuckle).
Step 4 - let it dry
Wait for the components to dry for a few minutes and then store them in the storage case.
Disinfection must be done before and after each monitoring session to prevent contamination between monitoring sessions and storage. Components that have not been properly disinfected carry the risk of contamination.
ATTENTION - Disinfect the sensor and headband with 70% ethanol alcohol, or other agents according to your healthcare facility’s disinfection protocols. This must be done before and after any use on patients.
Step 5 - visual inspection
If the device is determined not to be visually clean and free of unacceptable deterioration at the end of the cleaning step, either repeat the relevant previous cleaning steps or safely dispose of the device.
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