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| | Mar 1, 2021 |
Β | Β | APP performance - improvement on responses to adverse errors, better performance to show report list and send the data package to cloud Portal performance - better validation of user photo |
| | May 28, 2021 |
Β | Β | Bulk Upload - usability adjustments to bulk user upload (Portal). AutoShare - a corporate account can now be setup with auto share, meaning that a monitoring session made by one user in that account is automatically shared with all users of the corporate account (Portal). Direct corporate account login - a user can now login directly to a corporate account bypassing the personal account login. This will happen if both personal and corporate account login are the same (App). In-app acceptance of terms of use and privacy policy - a corporate account user, when login into the app with an account manager supplied activated account, can now accept terms of use and privacy policy in the app itself (App).
APP layout - minor tweaks on app screens for better usability APP performance - app now erases the old files and Report listing - improvement on speed of report listing in APP and Portal
| | Oct 28, 2021 |
Β | Β | Classification Tags - once defined in corporate account setup, a user will have available tags to classify a monitoring session during session execution and after completion filter these session in Portal listing screen (App, Portal).
| | Aug 3, 2022 |
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| | Nov 1, 2022 |
Β | Β | Auto Purge - now a corporate account can be configured to automatically eliminate old monitoring sessions according to country specific privacy rules (Portal). Log auditing interface - new Portal interface to access audit logs. There is now an account manager version, where activity from all users in the corporate account can be verified, and a user version, where a single user can verify its own activity log in the B4C System (Portal). Signal quality verification - it now possible to verify captured signal processing quality while positioning sensor on a patient head. An in-App sample capture window will capture 30s of data, process it, and return any analytics engine exception messages before a monitoring session happens. Functionality is only available when APP is online (App).
| | Jan 1, 2023 |
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| | Apr 27, 2023 |
| | Nov 9, 2023 Usability features (Portal) Direct login - users now can login directly to his/her corporate account without the needing to log into the personal account. Pause button - new pause monitoring session functionality for improved control over monitoring session.
Account management (Portal) Security features (Portal). Trusted Device - now the user can select trusted devices to do local authentication without internet, allowing a quick session start.
Password reset (Portal) Bulk user upload (Portal) Ubiquitous links - Terms of Services | Privacy Policy | Security | System Status | Help App layout - minor improvements for better usability P2/P1 and TTP Graph on APP - now the user can see the grahs of P2/P1 and TTP on a new tab in the monitoring screen in the app, donβt need to open the report to check.
| Release Q4 2023 | Jan 15, 2024 |