Add members (bulk upload)
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As an account manager you can use a bulk upload functionality to upload several users at a time to accelerate inclusion of user’s to the licensed B4C System.
Bulk member creation
Bulk upload file preparation and upload
The next screen will make available an Upload file template with a detailed explanation. You will need to
Download the template file (excel format)
Fill in all the required information (First name, Last Name, Birth year,
Decide if the users should change their passwords upon first access
Choose the file from you local drive that contains all data to be uploaded
Upload the file
Bulk upload verification
Once an upload has been made, a pop-up screen will appear with the upload results. Depending on the results, up to three files will be available. Each line item in the popup screen is described below.
Total rows = how many line item were in the uploaded file
Total imported = how many accounts were created successfully in the system
Imported rows = row number in the CSV file for which a user account was created
[Click here to download the list.] = option to download the created accounts
Total not imported = how many accounts were NOT created in the system
Line errors = row number in the file for which a user account was NOT created
[Click here to download the list.] = option to download the line items NOT created. You can adjust data and upload this file again
Total ignored = how many accounts were NOT created in the system because they are already there
Skipped rows = row number in the CSV file for which a user account was NOT created
[Click here to download the list.] = option to download the line items NOT created.
The account manager will receive the bulk upload results by email, as shown below:
With a pdf showing successful registrations, possible registration errors, and users who already exist in the system and have therefore not been re-registered.
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