Corporate Account Settings (Account Manager)
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Corporate account basic info
Change account logo and address
Password Policy
In this section, you can view and change the password policy.
Password policy parameters |
Predefined password policies.
| |
Length of password | |
Min and max number of special characters | |
Min and max number of numeric digits | |
Min and max number of uppercase characters | |
Min and max number of lowercase characters | |
Limits on commonly used text sequences | |
Limits on similarity between user information data and password | |
List of forbidden words | |
Exclusion of commonly used passwords for a database of 20K most used passwords (maintained by the Django team on the project files). | |
Constraint on sequence of repeated characters. | |
Limits on the reuse of passwords |
Inactivity policy
In this session, you can change the organization's inactivity policy, which consists of the policy for disconnecting and suspending users due to inactivity.
Inactivity policy parameters |
Logout policy enablement and minutes thresholds for portal or mobile application | |
User suspension policy enablement and days thresholds for inactivity period |
IP Policy
IP policy allows for restricting which IP’s are allowed for a corporate account.
IP Policy |
Here you put the list of IPs that will have permission to access a corporate account |
Share and purge policies
You can modify the sharing and anonymization policies, which respectively determine whether all users in a corporate account can see all monitoring and after how long a monitoring is deleted from a corporate account.
Share and purge policy parameters |
Auto share defines if all users from a corporate account can see a monitoring session executed from any other user from that corporate account. | |
Auto purge defines the amount of days from which the patient hash of a monitoring session will be replaced with a definite and irreversible anonymous hash. This is the equivalent of purging patient data from a corporate account database. |
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