6.10.1 manual pairing

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Step 1 - Connect receiver (dongle)

Connect the receiver/dongle ( 1 ) to the invasive pressure input on the patient monitor ( 2 ) and make sure that if required the USB power source is also connected ( 3 ).

ATTENTION - The dongle requires a minimum power supply of 5V. Typically this is supplied through the ABP plug. When this is not available a charging cable connected to the dongle ( 3 ) is required. The required cable is a Micro-Usb on the dongle’s side and normal Type A USB on the monitor side.

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Step 2 - Position sensor on patient

Turn on the sensor and position it on the patient as explained in sections and

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Step 3 - Initiate dongle-sensor pairing

To start the pairing process, press the interface button on the BcAc-DG-1000 dongle ( 1 ), and make sure that the receiver LED flashes blue. Then press the sensor interface button ( 2 ) and verify that the LED also is flashing blue.

Interface buttons on dongle (1) and sensor (2)

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Step 4 - Verify matching devices

Shortly thereafter, both devices will enter pairing intelligence mode, with visual LED confirmation. Both the sensor and receiver will flash with a random matching color and frequency pattern, meaning that both have identified each other and are able to match.

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Step 5 - Confirm matching devices

The pairing is completed by pressing the button on one of the devices (button 1 or button 2 in Figure 6.8-2). When this is done, the matching lights will flash green three times, informing a successful pairing. If you do not want to complete pairing, wait a few seconds for both devices to go into standby mode.

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Step 6 - Verify waveform in patient monitor

With pairing is complete, the sensor waveform should appear on the multiparameter monitor. For best viewing, set the patient monitor to automatic scaling. If the signal is not found on the multiparameter monitor, turn off the sensor, unplug the receiver, and return to step 1.

WARNING - Do NOT attempt to calibrate BcSs-PICNIW-1000 Sensor with your patient monitor. This may result in display of a misleading ICP value shown in the patient monitor that can be misinterpreted when making critical clinical decisions.

WARNING - Make sure NO ICP value is shown in your patient monitor when the BcSs-PICNIW-1000 Sensor is connected. Make sure that the default question marks (? /?) or dashes (- / -) are shown instead.

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Step 7 - verifying the ni-ICP signal quality


After correctly placing the sensor on the patient’s head and pairing with the dongle the waveform should appear on the patient monitor. Good positioning of the headband and proper placement of the sensor will result in typical waveform. Note: the figure is simply an illustration of a sample waveform.

If the signals shown on the monitor do not present any of the characteristics seen in the depiction above (the signal should at least present identifiable P1 and P2 peaks), modify the position of the sensor on the patient’s head by shifting and/or tightening/ loosening the headband until a satisfactory pulse waveform is obtained.


An example of a poor reading is depicted on the figure to the left.

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