6.7 assessing the sensor waveform

6.7 assessing the sensor waveform

6.7.1. sensor placement instructions

Assessing the brain4care waveform

The best position for ICP waveform monitoring is a resting supine position at 30 degrees with the chin and sternum aligned (Figure 6.7-1) and the head should not be tilted. The patient must be resting and avoid any movements since that can interfere with the ICP waveform reading.

Figure 6.7-1 - Resting supine position at 30 degrees.

PRECAUTION - The position, or movement, of the patient and the BcSs-PICNIW-1000 Sensor is known to affect the signal being recorded. As a result, if multiple recording sessions are obtained on the same patient, consistent positioning of the patient and device will lead to more comparable recordings.

A satisfactory waveform reading will present any of the typical shape characteristics (Figure 6.7-2) below, according to the patient’s clinical condition (from normal to pathological)

Figure 6.7-2 - ICP  waveforms. Source: Nucci CG, et al. Acta Neurochir (Wien). 2016. Intracranial pressure wave morphological classification: automated analysis and clinical validation.

As a suggestive reference, the waveforms below (Figure 6.7-3.A to 6.7-3.G) are typical non invasive ICP waveforms that are shown with the noninvasive ICP sensor.

WARNING - The appearance of a normal waveform morphology does not eliminate the possibility of elevated intracranial pressure or irregularity in brain compliance.


ATTENTION - The waveforms above are examples of typical noninvasive ICP waveforms in different clinical settings. You may see variations in the ICP waveform, but they should always follow a similar pattern.

The monitoring session should be as long as required to assess the ICP waveform on the monitor. Typical sessions are of 15+ minutes but duration is ultimately defined by trained clinical personnel. The session should be finalized upon patient request due to discomfort or decision by the primary caregiver.

The ICP pulse waveform (Figure 6.7-4) is an alternative to assess certain ICP characteristics, irrespective of the absolute values that are typically captured by an invasive method .

The ICP waveform contains characteristics that can be mathematically analyzed such as:

  • Wave peaks: P1 (percussion wave, due to arterial pressure being transmitted from the choroid plexus to the brain ventricles), P2 (tidal wave, related to brain compliance) and P3 (dicrotic wave);

  • Absolute amplitude of wave peaks: dP1 (relative amplitude of percussion wave), dP2 (relative amplitude of tidal wave), dP3 (relative amplitude of dicrotic wave);

  • Absolute lags in milliseconds of wave peaks: LT (considered the initial timestamp of a pulse), L1 (lag for percussion wave), L2 (lag for tidal wave), L3 (lag for dicrotic wave), Lx (variable lag);

  • Absolute curvature of wave peaks: Curv1 (percussion wave curvature), Curv2 (tidal wave curvature), Curv3 (dicrotic wave curvature).

Under normal conditions of ICP, the relative amplitudes of the three peaks are related as follows: P1>P2>P3 (Box A in Figure 20 above). In conditions with decreased brain compliance and rising ICP, the pulse waveform morphology gradually changes and certain indicators, such as the P2/P1 amplitude ratio eventually increases.

6.7.2 verifying the ni-ICP signal quality in patient monitors using the receiver

After correctly placing the sensor on the patient’s head and pairing with the receiver the waveform should accurately appear on the monitor. Good positioning of the headband and proper placement of the sensor will result in typical waveforms as depicted below (Figure 6.7-5). Note: the figure below is simply an illustration of a sample waveform.


If the signals shown on the monitor do not present any of the characteristics seen in the depiction above (the signal should at least present identifiable P1 and P2 peaks), modify the position of the sensor on the patient’s head by shifting and/or tightening/ loosening the headband until a satisfactory pulse waveform is obtained. An example of a poor reading is depicted below (Figure 6.7-6).



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