7.7.1 - trust device via QR code

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Read QR code to register device

ATTENTION - QR code read is a step that should be executed by an Account Manager that is registering a device in the Portal. Please refer to section in the

Step 1 - Open brain4care app

Open the brain4care app and click on “Accept” option to share the device’s unique ID. It must be sent to the corporate account for increased device usage security.

device ID sharing

Step 2 - Start device registry

Click on the Register device link to initiate device registry QR code read.

device login screen

Step 3 - Initiate device registration

Read registration instructions and click the “Register” button

Step 4 - Read QR code

There are two options to read the portal generated QR code. One option is manual entry or by using the device’s camera. Click on the image-20240222-191047.png icon to active the camera option.

Step5 - Verify QR code entry

Once the QR code is read or entered the APP will validate it.

Step6 - Confirm registration

After verification, the mobile device will confirm the TRUST status.


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