6.5 positioning patient

CONTRAINDICATION - Do NOT use this device on patients without cranial bone flap or have extensive scalp injury, bone defects (sections of skull missing), or any other conditions that deems to be a contraindication to performing monitoring using the brain4care device.

The best position for ICP waveform monitoring is at a resting supine position at 30 degrees with the chin and sternum aligned (Figure 6.4-1). The head should not be tilted. The patient must be resting and avoiding any movements since it can interfere with the ICP waveform reading.

Figure 6.4-1 - Resting supine position at 30 degrees.

PRECAUTION - The patient position or movement and the BcSs-PICNIW-1000 sensor is known to affect the signal being recorded. As a result, if multiple recording sessions are obtained on the same patient, consistent positioning of the patient and device will lead to more comparable recordings.

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