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Past session counter


When several sessions are tied together via same MRN and DoB, this counter will show the session’s number relative to the first session (most in the past) tied together

Date and duration


Date - MM/DD/YYY of monitoring session

Duration - HH MM of monitoring session

Unique identifier


Unique Monitoring Identifier - 12 alphanumeric number unique to a monitoring sessions where the first 6 characters are the sensor’s serial number

Average waveform shape


A picture of the average shape of the waveform during the monitoring session.

  • solid black line - overall average shape

  • blue lines - overlapping shapes for every 20s segment

Visual aid for P2P1


Visual aid legend to support interpretation of surrogate ICP waveform derived parameters.

ATTENTION - the coloring for each threshold of parameter values is defined by your healthcare institution. This is not a diagnosis information. Please refer to our

Visual aid for nTTP



ATTENTION - These estimated P2/P1 peaks identified in this report are the most likely P1 and P2 positions derived from a statistical model based on the cardiac cycle of patients. The estimated P2/ P1 ratio shows the value of the division between the amplitude of peak P2 and the amplitude of peak P1. Values above 1.0 indicate that P2 is greater than P1 when monitored with the brain4care sensor.


ATTENTION - The B4C System is an operator dependent device that contains inherent variances and as such all confidence intervals should be considered by the health professional during interpretation of estimated waveform associated parameters. 


ATTENTION - The surrogate waveform and estimated associated parameters are intended to be utilized to monitor relative variation in an individual patient’s intracranial pressure over time.


PRECAUTION - The derived P2/P1 ratio is an estimated value and therefore carries some uncertainty. The clinician is reminded to use their professional judgment when interpreting this and all waveform information in the report.


WARNING - The B4C System does not replace a comprehensive clinical evaluation. The waveform output should always be evaluated by the clinician in conjunction with other clinical parameters or analyses

Minutes with observations

The purple box, Figure 6.7-14, in the summary graph is a visual representation for the minutes that the sensor operator included observations in them. The purple balloon indicates the minute nr. in which the observations were included.


Duration of monitoring session

The total time of a monitoring session, Figure 6.7-15, is divided into four segments, Each time stamp is represented in an hour, minute and second format. In addition to this, in parentheses on the right side of the time stamp, the day that the timestamp is for. D0 represents the same day the monitoring session started. D1, and so on, are for the days after the monitoring session began. This is useful for multi-day monitoring sessions or sessions that start on one day and end on another day.


Estimated P2/P1 ranges

On the right side of the graph, Figure 6.7-16, there is a visual aid that identifies minutes of the monitoring session for which the calculated P2/P1 ratio was above 1.2, between 1.2 and 0.8, and below 0.8.



Figure 6.7-17 contains important information and disclaimers that should be read by the clinician.


Monitoring observations

The third report section, Figure 6.7-18, appears only for monitoring sessions that have had an observation included, will show the observation details for each minute that has an observation. It can be one to several pages depending on how many observations were made.


b4c signal over time

Figure 6.7-19 shows the overall minute of surrogate ICP waveform pulses and the moments an observation was included.


ATTENTION - A minute can have a maximum of six observations.


Pulse morphology for the minute with observation(s)

Figure 6.7-20 shows the calculated average waveform of the minute with observation and respective parameters such as:

  • Estimated P2/P1 ratio = the estimated P2/P1 ratio for that minute with confidence interval

  • morphology (A, B, or C) = visual aid for the pulses’ estimated P2/P1 ratio range

  • Derived useful pulses = how many pulses from that minute were useful pulses for calculating the waveform associated parameters

  • Heart rate = the calculated heart rate derived from ICP pulses with confidence interval

  • normalized Time-to-Peak (nTTP) = the normalized time to maximum peak of pulses with confidence interval

  • T1 = time to pulse P1 peak

  • T2 = time to pulse P2 peak


Minute’s observations (Figure 6.7-21): this box contains the actual observations included for that minute. There can be a maximum of 6 observations. Each observation is numbered and includes the sensor and patient position informed by the operator at the moment of observation.


Monitoring session results

The fourth report section, Figure 6.7-22, will show a minute by minute average surrogate waveform calculation for the whole monitoring session. Each subsection will have two swim-lanes for each 4 minutes of monitorization. It could be one to many pages depending on how many minutes the monitoring session lasted.


b4c signal over time

The pulse by pulse swim lane will, Figure 6.7-23, show the actual pulse by pulse visual representation in a four minute timeline. The minutes with a purple box are the ones that have an observation and the grey circle depict the exact moment the observation happened. You will also have a view of any relevant trends as well as the timestamp for each minute.


Pulse morphology - average per minute:

This minute by minute swim lane, Figure 6.7-24, will show, for each minute, the calculated average pulse morphology with associated waveform parameters, which from top to bottom are:

  • a visual aid for the P2/P1 ratio range; a (circle); b (triangle), or; c (square)

  • minute count

  • pulse morphology with estimated P1 and P2 markings

  • T1 = time to pulse P1 peak

  • T2 = time to pulse P2 peak

  • Estimated P2/P1 ratio = the estimated P2/P1 ratio for that minute with confidence interval

  • Derived useful pulses = how many pulses from that minute were useful pulses for all associated waveform parameters calculations

  • heart rate = the calculated heart rate derived from ICP pulses with confidence interval

  • normalized Time-to-Peak (nTTP) = the normalized time to maximum peak of pulse with confidence intervals

SECTION 3 - Minute by minute results

The third report section will show a minute by minute average surrogate waveform.



ATTENTION - you may see following messages will appear in place of the average pulse waveform and associated parameters

  • No Data - when no data for that minute was injected into the database

  • Insufficient signal quality - when less than half of the six 10 second blocks of that minute did not pass the SNR (signal-to-noise) filter

  • Insufficient sample size - at least half of expected pulses, based on derived BPM, were considered artifacts

  • Difference between P2/P1 statistically non-significant - WHEN the smallest of P2 or P1 confidence intervals is bigger than 20% of pulse’s max amplitude OR the smallest of P2 or P1 max amplitudes MINUS max between P2 or P1 min amplitudes is greater than 30% of smallest of P2 or P1 confidence intervals

  • Time to peak out of physiological limits - none of surrogate ICP pulses in that minute had a nTTP between 0 and 0.5


Additional information

The fifth report section, Figure 6.7-25, which appears in the last page, contains more technical information for the entire monitoring session. It contains five graphs as explained below. This is typically used in researches or customer support context.


b4c signal over time

Figure 6.7-26 shows the sensor’s pin deflection, in micrometers, for each waveform pulse during the total monitoring session.


Derived heart rate graph

Figure 6.7-27 shows for each minute (each blue horizontal line) the calculated heart derived from the sensor waveform. The histogram on the right side shows the distribution of minute counts for each heartbeat range.

A blue rectangle behind each blue line indicates the confidence interval for each minute. The grey dotted line in the middle is the average derived heart rate for the whole monitoring session and the top and bottom red dotted lines represent two standard deviations from the average.


Normalized time to peak graph

Figure 6.7-28 shows for each minute (each blue horizontal line) the calculated average normalized time to peak. The histogram on the right side shows the distribution of minutes count for each time to peak range.

A blue rectangle behind each blue line indicates the confidence interval for that minute. The grey dotted line in the middle is the average calculated normalized time to peak for the whole monitoring session and the top and bottom red dotted lines represent two standard deviations from the average.


Monitoring session derived useful minutes graph

Figure 6.7-29 shows for each minute (each blue horizontal line) the quantity of useful pulses utilized for calculation of waveform associated parameters. The histogram on the right side shows the distribution of minute counts for each useful minutes count range. A red line represents a minute with insufficient useful pulses for any statistically representative calculation.


Pulse amplitude graph

Figure 6.7-30 shows for each minute (each blue horizontal line) the calculated average pulse amplitude. The histogram on the right side shows the distribution of minute counts for each amplitude range.

A blue rectangle behind each blue line indicates the confidence interval for that minute. The grey dotted line in the middle is the average for the whole monitoring session and the top and bottom red dotted lines represent two standard deviations from the average.





Past session counter

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When several sessions are tied together via same MRN and DoB, this counter will show the session’s number relative to the first session (most in the past) tied together

Date and duration

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Date - MM/DD/YYY of monitoring session

Duration - HH MM of monitoring session

Unique identifier

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Unique Monitoring Identifier - 12 alphanumeric number unique to a monitoring sessions where the first 6 characters are the sensor’s serial number

Average waveform shape

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A picture of the average shape of the waveform for a specific minute of the monitoring session

  • blue line - average shape of surrogate ICP waveform in that minute

  • first dotted vertical line - time for beginning of nTTP’s timer

  • solid black vertical line - time of normalized time to peak

  • grey block with dotted vertical line - area for estimated P1 location (left) and P2 location (right)

Derived parameters for that minute

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  • P2/P1 - estimated P2P1 ration and confidence interval

  • nTTP - normalized time-to-peak and confidence interval

  • HR (bpm) - derived heart rate with confidence interval

  • Useful pulses - derived useful pulses as % of total identified pulses



ATTENTION - These estimated P2/P1 peaks identified in this report are the most likely P1 and P2 positions derived from a statistical model based on the cardiac cycle of patients. The estimated P2/ P1 ratio shows the value of the division between the amplitude of peak P2 and the amplitude of peak P1. Values above 1.0 indicate that P2 is greater than P1 when monitored with the brain4care sensor.


ATTENTION - The B4C System is an operator dependent device that contains inherent variances and as such all confidence intervals should be considered by the health professional during interpretation of estimated waveform associated parameters. 


ATTENTION - The surrogate waveform and estimated associated parameters are intended to be utilized to monitor relative variation in an individual patient’s intracranial pressure over time.


PRECAUTION - The derived P2/P1 ratio is an estimated value and therefore carries some uncertainty. The clinician is reminded to use their professional judgment when interpreting this and all waveform information in the report.


WARNING - The B4C System does not replace a comprehensive clinical evaluation. The waveform output should always be evaluated by the clinician in conjunction with other clinical parameters or analyses\